M4 Assessment
Calling, Character, Chemistry and Competence.
Why Assessment?
To help the church planter to see what they already have and what needs to be developed for fruitful church planting ministry, in four main areas of calling, character, chemistry and competence.
To provide their coach with an extensive picture of the church planter’s strengths and areas for growth so that the coach can come alongside them in a more effective way.
To provide other people around the church planter with whom they choose to share the assessment results (for example, their team as well as their leaders, supervisors, etc.) with a realistic picture of the potential of the church planter so that they can work together better.
Assessment dynamics
Balance of grace-giving and truth-telling
Honesty & transparency
Exploring for quality feedback instead of testing for a pass/fail
Respect and active listening
Blessing and encouragement
The main presupposition is that past experience is the best predictor of future behavior:
Focus is kept on the church planter’s past behavior and ministry asking for specific actions, stories and repeated patterns
Most of the questions are open-ended to explore the church planter’s past experience in the best possible way
Any evaluation is delayed until after the interview
The process is not a counseling session, typical job interview or going through a checklist
Assessment Categories
Having a clear sense of God’s calling into church planting.
Godly character & strong marriage and spousal support (if applicable).
Right fit within one’s denomination/ network and church planting context.
10 competencies which are essential to effective church planting:
Visionary leadership
Starting – gathering
Team building
Group & leader multiplication
Knowledge of church planting
Emotional intelligence